Hapless By Leo 6

 Episode 6

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Tina was about to have lunch with Taylor in the afternoon. She had applied in a company for a job. Rachel had a successful business but Tina wanted to have experience before joining her and interior was not her goal right now. Rachel didn't disagree with her because she knew that Tina was her reincarnation. The same looks and mind. She was the same as Tina when she was her age.
Tina and Taylor were having lunch in a restaurant. Tina was worried. Taylor sensed that uneasiness and tried to speak to her,
''Christina, what's the problem.'' Taylor was holding the coffee in his hand.
''Never mind.'' she disconnected the call which she was making to Ben of course.
''This idiot Ben. Anyways I'm going for a job interview tomorrow so don't make any late night plans with me I'm telling you Taylor.'' she said and grabbed the sandwich from both hands.
''Well if you get the job then it is you who should take me out somewhere.'' 
''Definitely will.'' she reached for his hand which he took with his.
''Where are you going for the interview?'' Taylor would never let her work anywhere of course.
''Its the Park.inc ''
''Park.inc.!'' Taylor coughed due to the coffee being stuck in his throat.
Tina quickly got up and started rubbing his back.
''Is there something wrong about that place. It's the leading company. People don't get jobs there easily and a fresher like me is getting her first job there. I thought it was a treat.''
Tina dragged her chair and brought it closer to Taylor.
''NO, I am delighted because that's a great place really is.'' Taylor was so confused because it was his company. He tried to hide this from Tina. In this way she will  work near her and he will of course be less very least worried about her. When its your girl, you have to worry a little.
''Okay then your treat is done.''
He came closer and kissed her.

Ben was playing a game on his phone. He was in his office cabin which his father had designed especially for him. His phone started ringing. 
''Yeah Tins, ''
''Are you alright?'' Tina was helping Karen.
''Yeah. just killing time.'' He gazed down the glass of his office from where the road was looking like a miniature.
''I am making dinner with Karen. You'll have dinner with us tonight.'' Tina was whisking eggs and baking powder.
''Sure.'' Ben said and hung up.
Then he came out of his office.

Tina invited Taylor too and the table was full. Ben, Rachel , Taylor and Tina.
''The food is delicious.'' Taylor said.
''So happy couple enjoying yourselves.'' Ben was enjoying the food.
''Next week I'm going out of the city for a contract. Christina and Ben behave yourselves. Taylor I want you to keep an eye on them.'' Rachel was guiding Taylor.
''Of course I will. Mrs. Harris.''
''Don't be formal. You are family. Call me Rachel.'' Rachel rose from the table.
''I had a great time with you my boys. Good night and now I shall leave you three for your fun.''
Rachel went to her room. 
''What is wrong Ben? I am noticing that you are behaving strangely from the past few days?''
Tina sat near Taylor. 
''No nothing I am frustrated at career start that's all it will come to an end eventually.''
''It should. You guys are lucky you have time to do and plan things just as you want but I .... I was introduced to the business world when I was only 19.'' Taylor sighed.
''Really?'' Ben and Tina looked at him.
''Everyone has to play their own cards at different levels do you agree.''
After their little chit chats Tina asked them both to leave.
''Okay boys, I have an extremely important day tomorrow so good night.'' She came to see them off. Kissed Taylor, hugged Ben. 
They both waved her goodbye.

Nine sharp and Tina was sitting in the waiting area of Park.inc.
''Miss Harris, sir will see you now.'' a lady informed Tina.
She came inside the magnanimous office.
''Miss Christina Harris.'' the man shook hand with her.
''Please be seated.'' he then sat himself too.
''Your hired. We are delighted to have you here with us.''
''Really?'' Tina was surprised.
''Tomorrow you will be joining us.'' the man again stood up and opened the office's door for her. 
''Thank you Mr..?'' Tina took her resume from the man.
''Wilson.'' the man told his name.
''Thank you Mr. Wilson.'' Tina was thrilled with the news. She was in the hall of the building when she texted Taylor, ''I got the job!!''
Tina was walking towards the door just as she saw something on the wall which had many pictures on it. It was the founder and director of the company. A face seemed familiar. She went closer and saw Taylor and his father. She called someone from the staff,
''Yes Ma'am?'' the woman who had came to her said to her.
''Who is he?'' Tina pointed her finger on Taylor's face. Just to make sure.
''This is our Director son of Sir Richard Parker, Taylor Parker.''
''Thank you.'' Tina smiled to the woman and now she had a plan for Taylor.
She took out her phone from her bag.
''Will see you at dinner tonight.'' she texted Taylor.
''You will see the outcome of this suspense Taylor." She said to herself. She drove away in her car.

She was shining in her purple dress, untied hair. A nice set of emerald earrings. She had booked a table in the restaurant and Taylor was yet to come. She was drinking and  was furious over Taylor. The thing she had planned for him required her to be a little inexpressive for at least some time.
After some minutes she saw a guy walking towards her. The same precise dressing as usual. Tonight he had applied gel on his hair. Way too cool. A great brown suit. With white shirt. He had a box in his hand wrapped up with a ribbon. He was trying to hide it from her. Tina was Tina she saw everything.
''My Christina.'' he leaned down to kiss her she resisted.
''Congratulations Christina. I am thrilled to hear the big news.'' Taylor said sitting down on  the chair front of her.
''Yeah but I lied. Just to have the night's dinner with you. They did not like my resume.'' Tina was acting now.
''What how could Wil...'' Taylor tried to control himself but Tina was eyeing him with great curiosity.
''Mr. Wilson he canceled my job.'' Tina asked the waiter to bring them champagne. 
''I don't believe this.'' Taylor was tensed.
''You liar you cheat, why did you lie to me.'' Tina busted finally. She could never hide her fury or anger.
''So you did get the job.'' Taylor was eased now.
''Why did you lie to me?'' Tina was angry and sitting looking in the other direction than the one with his face.
''Listen Christina,'' he held both of her hands. 
''I don't want you to work anywhere else. A woman like you...''
''A woman like me cannot work because she's met a dominating boss like you.'' Tina was really angry.
''You told me yourself you are working at Park.inc?'' Taylor was trying to console her as much as he could.
''Yes but you should have told me in the morning.''
''Then you would have never came to my office.'' Taylor finally said something true.
''Yes, even then you..'' 
''I just hid the truth in order for you to be comfortable. This way you'll have experience and we both can work together.'' Taylor did it. He consoled her with valid points.
''Promise me from now on wards you won't lie to me.'' Tina's eyes were glowing and all the anger from them had drained away.
''Never. I bought you something.'' He presented her the box.
''What is it?'' Tina opened the tied ribbon. A diamond chain was sparkling inside.
''It's beautiful.'' Tina smiled .

They had dinner talked and enjoyed themselves. Both agreed that at work they'll pretend as if they do not know each other. Acquaintances can sometimes make work difficult. 

Copyrights @leoleopards.blogspot.com 


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