Hapless By Leo 3

 Episode 3

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''It feels so odd in this costume.''
''This is not a costume Ben its a proof we lived in this place for 6 hours and four days for five years.'' Christina adjusted his hat which was falling to his back.
''Yeah the fifth year was the most wonderful because...''
''We studied less and researched more.'' both of them said at the same time.
''Wait isn't it the same guy who crashed with you the other day?'' 
''Yes it is what is he doing here?'' 
''Well it is certain that he was not a student maybe he came here to attend the convocation.''
''We'll find out eventually.''
 One by one names were announced and certificates were given to students by Taylor Parker.
After Ben it was Tina's turn. 
He looked directly in her eyes smiling.
Christina wanted to get off the platform as soon as possible looking at him with anger. 
''Congratulations Christina Harris, nice name. Though you didn't care to mention it the other day.'' 
She said nothing and walked away.
After the certifications students were galloping flying their hats but Christina  was standing aside with Ben."Why's he here doesn't seem an educationist to me." Christina said removing the black gown. "It's so boring I don't understand how do people get over this stupid convo." Tina laughed . Rachel was coming towards her daughter and along her was Taylor. He looked fine. Does he always remain so formal Tina was thinking. "Tina , Ben this is Taylor." "We've already met mom." "Hi." Ben said shaking his hand. Tina too. "He's our business counterpart we'll be doing some great deal of work together on the orders given to us by Taylor." Oh really that's great."Tina was mad to see him around and that now he was working with his Mom meant he was a good person but still she was mad she didn't know why "Mom let's go the convocation is already over and I'm tired." Tina was really tired."Me too ." Ben wanted to run away from college. He was glad it was over. While walking towards their vehicles Taylor stood closer by Tina while they walked together Taylor asked "Are you angry with me?" Tina chuckled "Why would I be angry we barely know each other and I was shocked to see you here. You are really special I think."Tina was finding this the most strange moment. Meeting one anonymous guy yesterday. Spilling coffee over his fancy suit then seeing him again on the final day of college. Yeah life's awkward when we are serious. Or is it Ben's influence that has affected her. "No not at all I'm as ordinary as anyone in this city but its just my work which gets noticed. And yes I know you well." "Really ? How?" Tina was surprised. 
"I'll tell you let's have lunch somewhere if you're free?" Tina was quite for a moment but then she was interested "Okay let me tell mom and Ben." She really needed a break and he was a bit too much over the edge then why not remove him from that edge and let him drown she thought for a moment and then smiled greatly. It will be fun she said to herself and went to Rachel and Ben.
''Mom and Ben you both go home I'll be home in the evening. I am going to have lunch with this Mr. creepy of yours.'' 
''Why? we don't know him and you have already started dating him Tina? Where are your lectures now? Always used to tease me, Ben don't do this don't do that. Don't go out with this girl she is not right.'' he imitated her voice.
''Shhh. He will hear. No it's not a problem Ben and having lunch with someone is not dating. Mom bye.'' 
Taylor was looking at the three of them as if they were planning like sportsman. 
She came back smiling.
Sipping her favorite martini she listened quietly to Taylor, "I moved here from New York a couple of months ago and live just across you. I've been seeing you everyday on your runs and hangouts. How you and your friend Ben get along and then I've known your mother since the time I came here. That's why I was surprised to collide with you the other day."
"Its interesting but I've never seen you anywhere before yesterday. The world is a small place they say at the same time it is so enormous that we couldn't notice you even though we lived so close." 
"It is. So what are your plans tomorrow? Will you have dinner with me?." 
Jeez you are quick aren't you being all bossy and not asking me telling me.
"I don't think so tomorrow.."
"Then the day after tomorrow." "I ..."
"So great I'll pick you up at 8 and thank you Tina I've enjoyed talking to you." 
''Its seems I have no other chance then to have dinner with you the day after tomorrow. Okay Mr Parker. But I am my own Boss. I cannot decide whether I will have dinner with you because I don't know yet that I enjoy your company and then there's a great deal to get to know about someone before having dinner with someone of course if it is official then great it's a deal but if it is personal then not so soon.'' Tina was rising up from her chair.
Taylor interrupted her and said looking directly in her eyes,
''For you I'm only Taylor. Official it is then and I'll prove that you would certainly enjoy my company and the great deal that you need to know about me will be provided on that official dinner.'' 
Tina was lost for a moment in his eyes. Deeper then the oceans and seas. As if she could look directly in his eyes for hours and hours.
''Tina,,Tina.'' Taylor tried to get her concentration back.
''Yeah, let's go.''
Tina was driving and he was sitting right beside her.
Tina dropped him to his car which was parked outside her college from where they went for lunch. Taylor looked at her took her hand kissed it and said to her, ''Thanks again Tina. You looked beautiful today.'' He held his sunglasses from one finger to look at her from the back of it. Then he adjusted it right and got off the car. After waving him goodbye she drove off to her home her phone rang. It was a text from an unknown number " looking forward to day after tomorrow. " with a smiley. ''You're more a stalker then a guy. She said to herself and went home.'' I kind of like this new stalker. He interests me. Maybe a new fun adventure awaits me. I need this kind of change after so many years of college, study. I definitely do.

"Had a good day today sweetheart. " Rachel said passing her dinner plate." "Kind of hey mom why didn't you tell me you knew Taylor. " 
"Why? We deal and contract with so many people you never showed interest in any of my clients then why Taylor?" "Just curious nothing more." "Well he's a good man and we are strictly business and he comes from good family I've heard of his father." 
''Yeah kind of. He invited me for dinner.''
''Really?'' Rachel was happy. In fact she was delighted. It was a long time since she was dating any one nice. The last one Patrick was the worst. This time Rachel was happy for her because she knew Taylor and he was really a good person.
''When?'' Rachel said smiling to her picking up her plate and placing it in the sink.
''The day after tomorrow.'' Tina said taking another bite.
''Really Tina I'm happy for you.''
''Yeah Mom, Good night Mom.''
Tina also picked up her plate and placed it in the sink. Washed it and dried it then placing the plates in the cabinet she came and kissed her mom on the forehead.
''Good night sweet heart.''
After dinner Rachel went to bed and after texting Ben who wasn't replying at the moment Tina went to her room thinking about the day that just had passed , she went straight to sleep.
Across the street someone was still awake and was not feeling sleepy at all. He was so happy that every time he laid down to close his eyes, Tina's face would appear in front of his eyes. ''You already have started haunting me.'' He texted to Tina.
Tina looked at her phone as she was still a little awake.
''Do you have insomnia ? I am just about to sleep, was sleeping. You woke me.'' she replied.
''You sleep well, from now its me with the sleepless nights.'' Taylor texted her back.
''Good night Taylor. Sleep well and be official we aren't dating.''
''We will I am sure of that.''
''Good night I will reply to you tomorrow about these flirts. Right now my half conscious is texting you my other intelligent self is sleeping.''
''Sure your half conscious is also a genius.''
''Men pranks don't work on me.'' 
''Good night.''
''Good night. Mine are not pranks. They come from the heart.''
After that she went to sleep.
Taylor too closed his eyes to get some sleep.

#novels #thriller  #stories #blogger
Copyright ©️ Leoleopards.blogspot.com 



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