Hapless By Leo 16

 Chapter Sixteenth:

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Suddenly he realized that he had walked a long way to the end of the street where shops were closed and restaurants were thronged. The steams and aroma of cappuccino filled the winds plus the rich aromatic taste of grilled food. The lamps on the streets were glowing with yellow dark light giving the street a touch of picturesque environment. He had not texted Tina since he arrived but the truth was he didn't feel like talking to anyone. He saw a similar silhouette of a woman talking to a random guy in the street. As he approached near he could hear that this was not a chat more like a heated argument ensuing slightly between Jennifer and the random guy.
''I said I don't understand you please speak English.'' she was repeating this sentence for a hundredth time but the guy was watching her with plain face.
''madame je ne parle pas anglais.'' the guy said.
''Okay then here.'' she took out ten euros and handed it over to the guy.
Ben was standing at the back of Jennifer and she didn't see him at once.
''Je vous remercie.'' the guy said and went back inside the coffee shop.
Jennifer sighed in relief and turned gasped at the certain appearance of Ben from nowhere.
''What are you doing here have you been following me?'' she sounded angry. Although it was harder to differentiate what offended her more. Ben's face out of no where or the guy who took more money from her.
''I don't like how it makes you feel when the other guy does not understands what are you speaking to him. In fact first night in Paris did not turn out to be as it seemed. This place is crazy no one speaks a word of English.'' Jennifer was walking with the silent Ben following as they exited the Rue Cler. 
Ben was silent.
''You don't talk much do you may I know why cat got your tongue?'' she was talking and talking.
Ben's expression changed a little as if he was thinking why did he took this route. Damn with maps.
''I was damn hungry. You did eat didn't you. Left me hanging here so that everything I come across , I'll pay for myself then how am I going to buy the apartment back. Clever you. By the way what work brings us here rather than amusing ourselves. Paris the city of lovers. I don't like it alone here.'' she was being rather hilarious but Ben was silent as if he never had spoken a word in his life.
''I should have really considered coming here with a man who doesn't talks its awkward. I cannot speak a word of French and you are dumb. How exciting and thrilling it can be more. One room instead of a double. I will die with you if you remain like this for the next days to come.''
Ben busted finally.
''What the hell is the matter with you damn it woman. You are talking and talking rubbish to hell with you and your french. Your amusement and your dinner. Just go to hell.'' he was rude and way austere.
Jennifer became silent and began to walk faster. Much faster. Now she was almost running. She wanted to escape the sight of him.
The lights were lessening with their moving on to another street. They walked and walked until they reached back hotel. With Jennifer taking the lead.
Then inside the same fight would start again of who will own what place but much to Ben's dismay Jennifer went straight inside and closed the door.
Ben sat down on the couch. After some minutes the door opened and Jennifer who was dressed in her pajamas and shirt went straight to bed and lied down. She did not talk to him. Not a word after what he said to her. Ben opened his bag and took out for himself a pair of trouser and shirt. He then took a pillow from the bed and came back to the couch. He lay down and turned off the light and looked out of the windows. The curtains were all tied and the city was visible from the windows. Above the rooftops the moon's crescent look made him even more sleepless. Although after some time he closed his eyes.
He shouldn't have talked to her in such a way. She was her responsibility because it was he who brought her with him. It was not something she asked for. Always treat a woman with respect but where were his manners now? 


''You have to take good care of yourself and you don't have to come to work until all is healed. You understand me Karen?'' Rachel said opening the car door.
Rachel was with Tina coming back from hospital. Tina was driving and Karen was at the backseat.
''I ain't have no family but you and you are truly my family. Thank you Ma'am.'' Karen was standing in front of the apartment edifice.
''These are your ointments and painkillers take them only when needed and apply this ointment four times a day. I will be visiting everyday and here take this.'' she took out an envelope from her bag and handed it over to her.
Karen peaked inside and it had money.
''Get well soon before her wedding arrives.'' she chuckled. So did Karen.
Rachel sat beside Tina and Karen waved at them.
Rachel sighted the lost in thoughts Tina,
''Aren't you going to work? Just drop me here my workshops arrived.''she looked at her in askance.
''Mom your showroom is far from here__''
she cut her in middle, ''I need a walk and I have to make some inquiries with the workers.''
''No mom I'm tired I'll get some rest.'' she avoided the topic.
''Okay then Bye.'' she got off the car and went straight the workshop.
Tina was not tired but mad. Extremely mad over Taylor. She heard her phone rang. She ignored it and jumped straight on the bed. Despite the fact she hadn't slept last night there was no sign of sleep in her eyes. Her phone rang again. She did not answer it.
Maybe she should reconsider about the marriage thing. After what she had seen last night it should be thought over. She was thinking about it again and again till her eyelids begin to drop.

Rachel opened the main door and saw Taylor standing there.''Why are you standing out?''she unlocked the door.  
''Was waiting for you, I don't think Christina's at home.'' he was serious in his tone as if hiding something. ''I've been trying to reach her but she is not answering nor did she come to work.''
''Karen had an accident we were busy with that and Tina's been awake all night I think she is still sleeping.'' Rachel placed her things on the table and Taylor went upstairs. He went into her room and found it empty. He looked everywhere, bathroom, study, balcony,living room. There was no sign of her. Rachel was looking at him. He sat down on one of the chairs near the kitchen counter and Rachel gave him a glass of water. As she looked at the fridge she found a note,'mom I am going outside for a while will be back soon.'' Rachel removed the note from the fridge and handed it over to Taylor with a glass of water. ''Did you two had a fight because she only behaves such when trying to avoid someone?''
''No we didn't. I know maybe where she will be. Thanks mom.'' he quickly got up. 
Ben got up and rubbed his eyes and yawned. The door of the room was open and Jennifer was dressed and packing her suitcase. Ben got up and collected the memories from last night and what he said to her that made her do the current. He thought to himself for a moment watching her talking on the phone and placing her things in the bag which was inadequate for the things.
She then took her phone and placed it on the side table zipping her suitcase and came across Ben who hadn't moved a step or did nothing to convince her to stay neither did he made an apology.
''This was it. We both cannot work together. Goodbye and do not call me ever again. Once I reach LA your money will be given to you.'' she dragged her suitcase towards the door just then Ben got up and took her suitcase from her and took it back inside the room.
''What the hell Benjamin. Leave me.'' she made a move to get her suitcase back but it failed. Ben came back and took her by her wrist. His grip was harsh and Jennifer sighed in pain.
''I'm no slave of yours to treat badly. Don't you have any manners how to treat a woman?'' she said finally loosening his grip off her hand.
Ben looked at her with peculiar eyes and said in a low voice, ''I never treat anyone badly. I'm sorry for last night it was just a bad day.''
His apology made Jennifer hold her anger and she sat on the sofa where he was sleeping last night.
''Let's go outside and sight see Paris. Would that be okay as an apology?'' Ben was scratching his still sleepy face.
Jennifer looked at her nails for a moment just to irritate him and not to answer that quickly although she was thrilled with the plan.
''Fine. First go and wash yourself. You look terrible.'' 
He smiled and went to the bathroom. Jennifer ordered breakfast and then she gazed outside the window. The sun was shining and the birds were hanging over the balcony's fence. 
It had been hours. Taylor had searched particularly every pub, cafe and nightclub but she had disappeared. She didn't came to office, didn't answered his calls or texts. It was almost 4 in the morning and Taylor was going crazy. Something inside was yelling at him that he had lost her and there was nothing in the world he could do to bring her back. The deed was done and the words were said. It kind of makes everything stupid and we stare at ourselves as the imbeciles we are. He rode over and over again just one last time to catch a glimpse of her. Sitting somewhere behind the glass window gazing at him with anger in her eyes, but why on earth was she mad at him? This question was irritating him and his conscious self was pointing towards the night he was at hospital with Marilyn. She must have seen me with her and this is why she has disappeared in thin air to teach me a lesson. He was coming to conclusion all on his own till he saw a familiar lock flying with the fresh wind of early dawn. The lock was familiar so was the back. Tina was walking dizzily towards the car. Taylor got out in an instant and held her by her elbows looking directly in her piercing brown eyes. ''Christina, God bloody hell where were you do you have any idea how worried I was? You think this to be amusing?'' he was shouting and shaking her elbows with busting anger. She however paid no heed to him instead she thrashed his hands hard and began walking again . Although it was clearly visible how much drunk she was. Despite the fact of being incompetent to walk she began to toss her car keys but she was inserting the key inside the door however her car had no key hole. Taylor watched her closely and then he came and took the car keys from her in an instant.
''Get off me you moron, liar and cheater. You are the filthiest person I've ever come across.'' Tina was shouting and hitting him rapidly. He took her hands in his grip and almost carried her on his shoulder and then dropped her in the car.
''You think no one's ever gonna know what you do, you bloody womanizer. I don't give a shit about you or about the women you are with do you understand.'' she was yelling and Taylor was acting sober. He shut the door and then came back to his seat and drove off.
He took her to his house instead of hers. He didn't wanted anyone to know about anything that's happened. Tina had fainted while hitting Taylor multiple times. Taylor barely saved his jaw when she hit him the last time. Tina sure was a great fighter when it came to breaking someone's jaw.
He carried her in the bedroom and tucked her in.
Then he sighed and trailed his finger around her cheek.
''One can never lie to you Christina. Can he?'' he said and then lay beside her.
''If only I knew that last night's cruelty of yours would turn out to be that generous the next day. I would be delighted to hear those words every night.'' Jennifer said taking a bite of a dish which was traditional Parisian but she was not enjoying it at all.
Ben smirked. He was in a good mood. After all this time he would meet his mother today it was definitely a good thing. The idea of going to meet her was giving his mood a good and fresh vibe.
Dressed in very casual shirt and denim jeans he was looking attractive.
Jennifer had pulled her hair in a pony tail and her brown eyes were catching the rays of the sun shining more brown than ever. With that color of pink knee length chiffon dress she was vivacious.
''Yeah I know how happy you are right now. Although I'm damn sure that the dish you are eating is horrible. Let me get you something else.'' he waved at the attendant.  
''This was the worst thing I ever ate.'' Jennifer was just about to puke but she held herself back.
Rue Saint Anne was less crowded as it was during the evenings and especially at night. Tourist were seen taking selfies with groups gluing their faces together. The weather was mild. Neither hot not cold.
''Where do you plan to go after here?'' Jennifer said in askance.
''Where do you want to go. I also am not familiar with Paris that much. I don't know why people are obsessed with this place. I don't like it at all.'' he said and shrugged.
''I agree. But only fifty percent. My father used to say to me, the heart's happiness makes the surroundings happier. If it is saddened all is saddened.'' 
''Used to say? didn't you say your father was better?'' Ben was shocked.
''I said he is much better now in a better place. This world is not a better place. Or is it? and apart from this you can call me Jenny don't hesitate.'' she said the first sentence in a strange way that Ben felt an unusual trance. He collected himself and said dolefully, ''I'm sorry about your father.'' he tapped her hand.
''I would like to visit Notre Damn if you agree.'' Jenny looked at him. Ben was unable to give a good expression except his snorted laughter got out of control.
''I'll take you there but I won't come. don't involve me in these things. I'm not that kind of a person.''
''Neither am I. But my father used to come to Notre Damn every year. I just want to honor his wish.'' Jenny seemed transported into another world. What she said made Ben respect her even more. Jenny was not as transcendental as she seemed.
#copyrights @leoleopards.blogspot.com
#Hapless by Leo 


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