Hapless By Leo 35

Chapter thirty five: Next Chapter Previous Chapter Now life was demanding more from her than she could give. Life demanded that Ben was the new Taylor of her life. Just the thought of it was making her crazy. ''Life was with Taylor but now that he is gone how could I? Ben has always been good to me but he loved me all this time? I mean yes I love him too but that was completely platonic. This love is another love. I have had mine but can't I do something about it. The poor soul has suffered so much because of me, everyone suffered because of me. What is to become of me? She soon fell asleep in war of her mind and heart. The next day she woke up and dressed herself trying to make her wrecked self look good and found Ben in her room. ''I ordered breakfast but I'll dine outside what about you? Do you want it here or with___'' ''No I'll come with you just wait let me call mom and _____'' Ben didn't let her finish, ''N...