The Enigma of Albert Morris by Leo 7

Episode 7 Next chapter Previous Chapter In the afternoon after supper she waited to talk to Victoria privately. But later she heard that Victoria was going to the farms to make a visit. Then a maid said to the head cook to prepare a feast because the Lady will return shortly before dinner and she might accompany some guests. Catherine wasn't paying attention to Charlotte. When she asked again ''Catherine are you feeling unwell?'' ''No I'm fine. Can we do this tomorrow Madame?'' Catherine decided to be in the garden and be alone with herself for a while. ''Alright.'' Charlotte granted her leave. ''Seems like our lady has fallen in love is it Albert?'' Charlotte said coming closer taking a brief look at her face. ''The way you blush like really a girl in love but what is all the stress about my dear. You said to me that I am like your mother then you shouldn't be hiding things from your mo...