Hapless By Leo 27

Chapter Twenty Seventh: Next Chapter Previous Chapter It was a strange evening, the sky was blue, black and purple. It was clear that a storm was yet to come and the thunder's roar was that of a lion. It was about to rain but it didn't. A car drove in and a man stepped out of it. The man was entering Brown Palace. He was greeted by the butler and went straight in. He was tall slim and overall fit. He seemed like a important person and no servant questioned him. As if they knew him and he frequently visited this place. ''Carla.'' a heavy voice echoed within the gigantic walls of the sitting room where a fire's crack was all that could be heard after the voice had called a name. Carla who was drinking and playing with her vulture which she had in a cage turned back. ''Oh my Victor. What a surprise.'' she hugged him but the man kissed her. ''No not here.'' she resisted. ''I want you to be sober here. All these s...