Hapless By Leo 10

10th Chapter Next Chapter Previous Chapter It was a busy morning. Rachel was coming home this afternoon. Tina and Ben were on the airport to receive her. Taylor couldn't come due to his work's endless responsibilities but he was invited to family dinner. To which he could never disagree. Rachel waved to them when she was visible to both of them. ''Rachel. I've missed you so much.'' Ben hugged her tight. ''I've missed you too Ben.'' Rachel then turned to Tina. ''I'm sure you haven't missed me that much.'' she hugged her. ''Mom. Is this ever possible?'' Tina hugged her tight. Then they moved to the car. When they came back home Karen was busy in preparing a family dinner and she had arranged everything perfectly. Karen welcomed Rachel back home. ''It's good to have you back Ma'am.'' Karen said to her. ''Thank you Karen. I hope Tina didn't misbehave.'' Rac...