The Enigma of Albert Morris by Leo 1

Chapter One: Next Chapter Another day in the the town of Dover. Folks of the town gathered in the tavern last night for the big news that the great Lord Albert Morris would make a visit to the poor of the town. The old men folks have been drinking so they were still lying however the women were working. The children were playing in the streets. As the people of Dover were unable to provide their children with education. It would've been a blessing if they even had enough to eat education was a different matter. A very dull day it was. The dead of winter had already managed to eat up the supplies of crops. As spring came people started harvesting in a great amount. In the House of Lords it was decided that each month a great amount of wheat would be supplied to the poor Towns in England. Each month a Lord would be elected. This time it was Sir Albert Morris. "What good they do eh?" A women said to Margaret. "At least they ought to see the folks of poor." Ma...